Developing infrastructure to support business activities in the city, the Municipality of Rezekne state city has cleared up formerly neglected and degrading lands and is now ready to put them up for auction. Those are six land lots on Berzu and Rigas street meant for consumer goods industry development.
The land lots to be auctioned off have been prepared while performing the detailed planning for a large land lot on 2 Berzu street. It was then divided into smaller lots: 2 Berzu street (1,8255 ha); 4 Berzu street (1,6844 ha); 67A Rigas street (1,7011 ha); 69A Rigas street (0,8362 ha); 71А Rigas street (1,1787 ha); 73A Rigas street (1,1029 ha).
For each land lot there are specific terms that must be fulfilled by the owners-to-be. On of the terms refers to all the lots. i.e., within 18 months after the purchase agreement is signed a construction project must be developed and a building permit must be granted to the owner. A contract with a construction company must be signed within 24 months and the construction work must begin. Considering the area and other parameters, a certain amount of investments must be invited in each land lot within 36 months. The matter concerns not less than 9.2 million euros in total. The terms also differ in regard to providing new workplaces – there must be at least 73 new workplaces provided in total.
The formerly degrading territory on Berzu street has been cleared up within the project “Development of Business Cluster in Rezekne City and Establishment of Business Support Infrastructure”. The project also included reconstruction of Rigas street in the section from Vilakas street to Rancana street (2.6 km) and the construction of a warehouse on 5C Vilakas street. The total length of reconstructed road infrastructure in this section is 1200.95 m – a new asphalt coat was laid, a combined pedestrian and cycle path was built all along the street. The width of the roadway is 7 meters. As the result of the project 4 bus stops were installed and 14 linden trees were planted. All the utility lines were renewed in the mentioned section of Rigas street: water supply pipes, sanitary and stormwater sewerage systems, 10kV cable link, also new light posts with smart LED street lights were installed. During the reconstruction of Rigas street a branch of utility lines was built. It goes along Berzu street and it is meant to provide all the necessary utility connection points for the potential users of the land lots.
Vice chairman of Rezekne city council: “We are gradually approaching our strategic goal of turning Rezekne Municipality into the center of economic development of Eastern Latvia. Clearing up the land lot on Berzu street and providing all the necessary utility lines is one of the steps that opens prospect for the construction of new manufactures. The mentioned land lot is divided into smaller lots, making sure there would be enough area to construct a medium-sized production facility. In terms of logistics the position of land lots is also beneficial because they are easily accessible.”
Auction participants can sign up for e-auctions until March 3. Follow the link: The terms of auctions are available for inspection on (section “Pašvaldība/Oficiāla informācija”).